Eclipse RAP 1.3 M3 hits the road

November 16, 2009   ·   2 min read

eclipseRT helios milestone new and noteworthy rap

After another 6 weeks of working hard towards the Helios Release, we’re a step closer. RAP M3 for Eclipse 3.6 is out and can be obtained from the RAP project page. Besides another 130 bugfixes and many New and Noteworthy features, here are my personal favorites of this milestone:

Non-shared SWT resources

Finally, we decided to provide constructors and a dispose mechanism for SWT resources like fonts, images, colors and cursors. While we still recommend to use the factory-based approach, this features helps a lot when single-sourcing applications that use the resource constructors in a verbose manner.

RWT Resource constructors Yay, it compiles!

Browser History support

You now have the possibility to interact with the client-side browser history. This allows you to set “bookmarks” (eg. when switching tabs or processing a particular workflow) and the user can jump back and forward. Thanks again to Ralf Zahn from ARS who contributed this feature.

Dispose events on session timeout

We also introduced new Listener support on the Display so you’re now able to listen for Dispose events of the Display which is triggered when the session terminates. This way you don’t need to rely on servlet-specific API but rather use the same mechanism as in SWT to clean up your session. In addition you can queue runnables via Display#disposeExec that are executed once the session dies.

I hope you all enjoy the new milestone and give as feedback as fast as possible, API and feature freeze  is approaching 😉1

  1. Originally published on EclipseSource Blog ↩︎

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